
Eben’s Costume: The Angel Of Migraines From The Far Side

This year Eben really blew our minds with what he wanted to dress up as for Halloween. In his exact words, he said, “Mom, I want to the be The Angel of Migraines for Halloween.” I had absolutely zero idea what he was talking about. He then brought me his Far Side books and showed me the above comic.

I about fell on the floor laughing. I said, alright – we can do that. It is a simple costume considering you can find Grim Reaper cloaks at the thrift store a dime for a dozen. I picked one up for $1.99 and while it was very large, it worked out wonderfully because we were able to cut it down and make a train in the back. (like the picture) The boxing gloves, again easy, because we already had a pair that Eben plays with in the dress up bin. I photocopied the comic and will attach it to the front of his costume – since we will most likely have a lot of questions about what he is dressed up as.
Costume complete: Introducing Eben as ‘The Angel of Migraines.’

What do you think?
What are you going to be for Halloween?

8 Responses to Eben’s Costume: The Angel Of Migraines From The Far Side

  1. Chloe October 30, 2009 at 11:54 pm #

    What a great costume! I’m dressing up as Winter, and my friends are going to be Summer, Spring, and Autumn. I got all my stuff at Goodwill except for the things to make my tiara. (The costume consists of a white sweater, a white skirt, a silver snowflake belt, a furry white cloak, a tiara and a necklace.) I love making costumes!

  2. Tom Tuttle from Tacoma October 31, 2009 at 1:00 am #

    i think that’s so cool. he looked adorable.

    the angel of migraines refused to go away the whole of yesterday. i never knew about that comic strip. yea, i just want to die when i get an attack. the boxing gloves – not funny. bleh. lol.

  3. one4earth October 31, 2009 at 1:23 pm #

    I have always love “The Far Side.” My question is will anyone know what he is besides you guys? LOL I think its GREAT!

  4. Sweet Greens October 31, 2009 at 3:40 pm #

    Hi Chloe,
    I love it. What a great idea. I love to make and/or piece together costumes. It is like a treasure hunt trying to find the items that I need to make it. Enjoy Halloween.

  5. Sweet Greens October 31, 2009 at 3:41 pm #

    Hi Tom Tuttle from Tacoma,
    Thank you so much. A lot of the kids didn’t get it, but all of the adults got it and laughed and laughed. He likes the costumes, and really that is all that matters. Enjoy your Halloween and I hope it is migraine free. XO,
    Sweet Greens.

  6. Sweet Greens October 31, 2009 at 3:41 pm #

    Hi one4earth,
    Most of the kids didn’t get it, but still thought it was cool. I figure it will be warm for trick or treating.
    Sweet Greens.

  7. Barbara January 16, 2010 at 12:48 am #

    Hahaha, one of the best costumes ever!

  8. Sweet Greens January 16, 2010 at 4:29 pm #

    Hi Barbara,
    Hilarious, right? I don’t know where he comes up with this stuff.
    Sweet Greens.

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