
Florida Goodness: Stubbees Local & Raw Honey

When we were on our winter camping trip to St. Augustine, Florida last month we couldn’t miss one of our favorite activities, the farmer’s market. St. Augustine has an amazing farmer’s market, full of great local vendors offering everything from art and handmade items to produce and fresh baked goods – but one of my favorite things to pick up is the local raw honey!

We stopped by Stubbees Local and Raw Honey’s booth to check out the bees and pick up a jar of their amazing honey! We learned from Lori and Justin Stubblefield, owners of Stubbess how the local bees actually hang around waiting for the Stubbees to show up on Saturday morning for the farmer’s market. Then, they hang out with the honey jars all day.

I love the creamed honey – it is my favorite in coffee and tea, but I have been known to have a teaspoon here and there as a little treat! I definitely recommend picking up a jar or two of Stubbees Local and Raw Honey!

4 Responses to Florida Goodness: Stubbees Local & Raw Honey

  1. JoAnn June 12, 2014 at 2:11 am #

    how can i order Stubbee creamed hiney?

    • Kat Ford July 13, 2014 at 7:58 pm #

      You can get stubbee honey from Bent Creek Feed store on 103rd St. In Jacksonville, FL. If you are not close they might be willing to ship you some if you call them.

      • Jennie July 14, 2014 at 11:42 am #

        Hi Kat,

        I just saw your comment – thank you so much for sharing this information with JoAnn, I really appreciate it!

    • Jennie July 14, 2014 at 11:37 am #

      Hi JoAnn,

      If you aren’t able to hit the farmer’s market – they have a Facebook page: and an upcoming website:

      I hope you can get some more information there.

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