Green Community: Help Someone See

Have you ever thought of what it would be like to not be able to see? I actually have, because, without my contacts or glass, I can not even see my hand in front of my face. (just a big blur) So to hear that 1 billion people in developing countries are in need of glasses but are unable to afford them (glasses would cost them 3 months’ worth of salary) breaks my heart. I can’t imagine being robbed of my eyesight simply because I couldn’t afford eyewear.

4 million pairs of eyeglasses are thrown away each year in North America. Instead of throwing away your old glasses, donate them to Unite For Sight. Unite for Sight is an international leader in providing eye care worldwide. If 50% of the children in institutions for the blind in Africa had eyeglasses, they would be able to read normal to large print. (Can you imagine that? children blind, simply because they can’t afford eyewear.)

Will you donate your glasses?

I just mailed my old (but in excellent condition) glasses off today.

2 Responses to Green Community: Help Someone See

  1. one4earth June 11, 2009 at 11:06 am #

    That is SO cool…I have like three pairs of old glasses that are just either out of style or I got sick of them. Totally going to look into this! Thanks for posting!

  2. Sweet Greens June 11, 2009 at 12:02 pm #

    I think it is a fabulous program. It makes me smile to think someone, somewhere is able to see with my previously loved glasses. {love}

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