Hush! Here’s How To Embrace The Peace Of Your Home Office

It’s no secret that commercial office environments can be pretty stressful. The pressure of having workmates breathing down your neck certainly doesn’t help here, but office stress is often down to one thing and one thing only – noise.

Let’s face it; the clacking of keys and the general bustle of chatter in the office can get overwhelming at times, especially for those of us who enjoy a calmer way of life. This, alone, can contribute to the mental health concerns experienced by many office workers.

But, with this last year meaning that more of us than ever are working from home, an unexpected silver lining is starting to emerge. After all, when you’re working in a home office, you needn’t contend with any noise but your own. 

This is fantastic news for creating a calm work environment, especially if you take the following steps to enhance those peaceful benefits. 

# 1 – Work in a room with a window 

If you can pick where you work, then it’s always well worth picking a room with a window. After all, nothing quite brings peace like the call of birds first thing in the morning or even the trickle of rain on a dreary day. These are noises that we often turn to in meditation practices, and for good reason. So, if you can spend your working days listening to birds instead of countless typing keys, you’ll be in the best possible position to enjoy the peace and tranquillity that this homeworking setup can bring. 

# 2 – Scrap the headphones

If you’re set to attend a lot of video conferences and phone calls each day, then the chances are that you have a headset with which to hear better. There’s nothing inherently wrong with that, only many of us leave those headphones on all day long, even when we don’t need them. This is an issue because, not only does it create the claustrophobic feel of office sounds, but it also blocks out all the benefits of this peaceful space. Worse, you’re far more likely to blare music into your ears all day this way, breaking your peace altogether and putting you at risk of temporary hearing loss to boot. Avoid that eventuality by removing your headphones until you need them. You’d be amazed how much calm this small step can bring to the standard working day. 

# 3 – Keep the door locked

In a standard office setup, most of us don’t have doors to lock. Even if we did, our bosses probably wouldn’t be too pleased if we made use of them. But, you don’t need to worry about that at home. In fact, you can bet that any interruptions here will be pretty unnecessary. So, avoid the distraction and shattered peace that can come from an open-door home office policy. Instead, put a lock on that door and know that when you’re in your office, you truly can settle into the most blissful peace you’ll likely find all day.

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