As the need to adopt responsible lifestyles increases, the demand for sustainable fashion has grown at a rapid pace. While opting for products made with organic materials is a fantastic solution, it’s not the only great way to reduce your carbon footprint.
A conscious effort to make fashion choices that protect the planet will remove any feelings of guilt that you may have had. Likewise, it’ll often deliver increased comfort and support your long-term financial health. Follow some of the steps below and you should notice a significant reduction in your carbon footprint.
Avoid Fast Fashion
Fast fashion can spell disaster for the environment for many reasons. The materials are often sourced in a less ethical way while the mass production methods create a lot of waste energy and materials. Worse still, the inferior quality of the goods means that consumers have to replace the items far sooner, which only adds to the problem.
Finding an online boutique that operates in a responsible manner and partners with reliable brands is good news for everyone. The increased quality translates to better styles for the consumer. Likewise, the long-term costs are far smaller than the false economy of super-cheap products. Besides, many boutiques are surprisingly affordable.
Use Local Services
When thinking about the environmental impact that fashion has on the planet, it’s not just about the materials. The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of the planet’s carbon emissions. Waste materials and energy consumption during manufacturing processes are key contributors. However, it’s often the impact of transporting goods that really hurts.
Clothes may travel from one country to another before moving to a warehouse before then being transported to a store or customer. Where possible, using domestic firms is a far better solution than importing goods from halfway around the world. Not least when you consider the fact that you may have to return some of those goods.
Learn To Repair Clothes
Even if you buy premium quality goods, there is always the risk that your sweater will get a hole or the zip on a jacket might break. Thankfully, there are plenty of online tutorials that will allow you to fix minor faults from the comfort of your home. Alternatively, you could use these ideas to revamp outfits that you’ve worn too often or have stopped loving.
Repairing and upcycling your existing clothes will breathe new life into them with stunning results. You will naturally reduce your carbon footprint because you won’t need to trash them or replace them. This will naturally save you a lot of money as you can find accessories like sequins, buttons, and thread for a fraction of what new products would cost.
Buy Used Fashion
Revamping your old clothes isn’t the only way to see the benefits of giving clothes a new lease on life. Another effective solution is to buy previously owned garments from charity shops, garage sales, or online platforms. There is, in particular, a growing trend for the latter option, and becomes even more effective when you find local sellers.
Buying used fashion items isn’t only a good way to save money and prevent products from ending up in the trash. It also gives you a fantastic opportunity to experiment with new fashion styles without breaking the bank. And once you’re finished with a garment or outfit, you can sell it or donate it to a charity shop to help someone else embrace sustainability.
Consider Rentals
There are few bigger forms of waste than buying an outfit that you’ll only wear once. However, weddings and special events may call for you to find an outfit befitting the occasion. In this situation, renting a suit or outfit could be the far better solution. It’s better for your bank balance and can make the outfit-hunting process far smoother.
Moreover, it’ll reduce your carbon footprint for many reasons. The outfits can be worn time and time again by multiple people. In addition to that increased usage, the fact is that the majority of clients will be local users. So, the carbon emissions caused by transportation will be significantly reduced. You will be supporting a concept that really makes a difference.
Take Care Of Your Clothes
Sourcing clothes in a sustainable fashion is one thing. However, it’s equally important to take good care of those items. For starters, washing them at a lower temperature can help reduce your carbon emissions. In addition to impacting your footprint in relation to fashion, it will influence the situation relating to the home.
It is also important to consider the storage and protection of seasonal clothes. Many people find that airtight clothing storage is the ideal choice. Whether kept in the garage or at a self-storage unit doesn’t matter. Any opportunity to prolong their lifespan will help. Of course, wearing appropriate clothing for an activity is highly advised too.
Analyze A Company’s Habits
Partnering with responsible brands and retailers is one of the best ways to support sustainable fashion. You will find that their actions easily outweigh any personal changes you implement. Therefore, it’s important to conduct a little research to see what steps they have taken to create a sustainable business model.
Some of the most effective options include using renewable energy, EVs, and eco-friendly packaging. You can also check out any awards, press coverage, or initiatives that support the company’s claims. If nothing else, it helps you shop with confidence.
Focus On Organic Beauty
As already stated, the materials used to create your clothing will have a huge impact. However, it is difficult to buy exclusively-organic products. In truth, you may find it a lot easier to focus on organic beauty. Aside from helping the environment, it will actively enhance your skin and deliver long-term anti-aging. After all, chemicals are not good for the skin.
An organic beauty makeover can deliver a plethora of direct benefits. Crucially, seeing and feeling the rewards will help you adopt a better mindset. This should give you the added motivation needed to embrace the ideas above. Better still, you will find that it becomes easier to sustain the improvements for the long haul. Looking good never felt better.
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