It’s no secret that our choices can greatly impact the environment. However, while recycling can definitely reduce your carbon footprint, there are other methods you can use to help the environment and combat climate change. That said, here are a few unexpected ways you can help the environment.
1. Use Eco-Friendly Servers for Your Internet
You may not give much thought to your internet needs. After all, we’ve all heard that a digital lifestyle is a lot better for the environment than one based on manual operations such as printing out materials. If you’re already cutting back on the waste you produce by making printouts of things and opting to send them online; you can take things a step further. This is by making sure that the servers you use for your internet needs are eco-friendly.
A simple search online should point you toward some eco-friendly servers that have based their operations on sustainability. Keep in mind that the global web hosting services market is forecasted to grow from $102 billion to $321.5 billion by 2025. You should use a server with 480Gbps and advanced DDoS protection for the best experience. You can search for these qualities in the server that promotes green living in order to enjoy good internet without leaving a large carbon footprint.
2. Reduce Pollution by Fixing Your Car
Another way to reduce the carbon footprint you’re leaving on the environment is to fix your car. When your car is running in good condition, it will not only be a lot more efficient, but it will also produce fewer emissions. This is why making sure that your car is in good shape is important for the environment. It’s a good way to hit a number of goals all at once, as you can be sure that you’ll enjoy having a car in great running condition, and so will the environment.
To this end, keep in mind basic car maintenance steps, such as changing your oil every 3,000 miles or as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. You should also have your car serviced at regular intervals so that it’s easy for you to spot any potential issues long before they get out of hand.
3. Shop for Local Produce
Last but not least, you should consider shopping for local produce. Doing this will make you travel a shorter distance to get the produce you need. In this way, you can help ease the demand for produce that needs to get shipped from a long distance away. You’ll increase the demand for local produce and support local producers while enjoying a shorter commute to get your produce.
This will see you use your car less often or on shorter trips, which you can even get done by walking or using a bicycle, both great alternatives for green living. When doing this, you’ll inadvertently lower your carbon emissions and support local farmers who will be motivated to keep producing healthy produce for you and like-minded individuals. Local produce leaves a smaller carbon footprint in its production, so this is going to be an additional benefit for the environment. You’ll eat fresh and healthy produce that will keep you healthy and decrease your dependence on commercially-produced greens that may not be as healthy for you.
In these three unexpected ways, you can reduce your carbon footprint. You’ll make a welcome difference to the environment as well as to your life. You’ll also set a great example to the people around you. With such habits of green living, it may be possible to improve the state of the environment.