
Ask Sweet Greens: Small Space Composting

Ask Sweet Greens Question:

We live in a tiny apartment and really want to start composting. Can you suggest a composter that we can use indoors? Is that even possible? Thank you, Amelia.

Ask Sweet Greens Answer:

Hi Amelia, This is a fantastic question and guess what, it is completely possible. My family has a NatureMill Automatic Indoor Composter that we adore. It is large enough to compost up to 120 pounds of organic food scraps a month, which is perfect for the average sized family. It is small enough to be stored in your kitchen, laundry room or other small space. The best part is that it runs on only 10 watts of energy or about 50ยข a month and you will have fresh organic compost in about 2 weeks. You can see how the NatureMill Indoor Composter works here.

How about you fantastic readers, do you live in a small space? Do you compost? What type of composter do you use?

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  1. Have a Lovely Green Weekend | Sweet Greens - April 21, 2014

    […] Cascadian Farm and they will donate $1 to the Organic Farming Research Foundation. – Do you have a Ask Sweet Greens question? – Do you have green ideas you want to share? Become a guest […]

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