
How to Make a Last-Minute Holiday Activity Advent Calendar Using Recycled Envelopes

Looking to put together a super easy, festive and fun last-minute DIY Advent Calendar? My family always looks forward to the first of December because that’s when we start our holiday activity advent calendar — which helps us bond even more as a family during the holiday season.

I choose activities for the advent calendar based on traditions that we love to do during the holidays. Then, I sprinkle in a few new activities each year. For example, this year we have a surprise mini vacation at a nearby beach. You can make a simple, recycled holiday activity advent calendar using that stack of leftover envelopes you have acquired over the years. Jump over to Inhabitots to learn how to put one together tonight in a few easy steps.

5 Responses to How to Make a Last-Minute Holiday Activity Advent Calendar Using Recycled Envelopes

  1. AngelaLilly December 1, 2012 at 6:20 pm #

    what a fantastic idea!!! could use the envelopes from junk mail too (if you have any!)!

  2. Tanya Phillips December 1, 2012 at 11:20 pm #

    cute and easy!

  3. Sweet Greens December 12, 2012 at 1:06 pm #


    It definitely is and has become my favorite because I will be able to use it again next year!

  4. Sweet Greens December 12, 2012 at 1:07 pm #

    Hi Angie,

    Absolutely! I did incorporate a couple that were in great shape – the others were leftover from holidays past.

  5. AngelaLilly December 13, 2012 at 8:37 pm #

    yeah…I have pretty much gotten rid of all the junk mail in my life, but I still have some bill envelopes and the like that I just can’t seem to stop and a person could totally use those.

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