Green Tips:: Please Don’t Treat and Drive.

This Halloween when it is time for the kids to head out to trick or treat, please have them walk door to door. I have seen a new trend where parents will actually drive their kids from house to house. Please consider the amount of C02 that goes into the air as you drive around and idle all night waiting for the kids. Thankfully we live in a huge neighborhood that is walkable and safe for the kids to walk from door to door this Halloween. We could spend the entire evening out trick or treating door to door and never hit every house in our neighborhood.

We however have lived in rural areas where the houses aren’t close together. We would spend the afternoon and evening with close friends of ours and trick or treat in their large neighborhood. If you live in a very rural area, consider taking the kids to a nearby or friend’s neighborhood or you could go to a local shopping area or library to do some trick or treating. If these also are not options for you, you could trick or treat at home. Everyone could dress in their costumes and go room to room tricking and treating. You could then provide a fun spooky movie, popcorn and some fun treats for the rest of the evening.

How are you going to spend your Halloween?

2 Responses to Green Tips:: Please Don’t Treat and Drive.

  1. one4earth October 31, 2009 at 1:29 pm #

    It has always made me nuts to watch parents following behind their kids in the car…its like REALLY??? I mean unless they are handicapped or hurt…but if they are healthy that is the laziest thing ever!

  2. Sweet Greens October 31, 2009 at 3:45 pm #

    Hi one4earth,
    I know, I can’t believe it either, but I see it every year. It is insane to do in our neighborhood with the houses being so close together, but they still do it. blerg. I agree that if the child is ill or handicapped, but even then I see those parents pushing the child in a wheelchair or stroller.
    Sweet Greens.

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